Join us for Pre-Sunday School Fellowship and Prayer
9:00am – 9:25am
Followed by Sunday School Classes beginning at 9:30am
Introduction to Theology
Taught by Pastor Derrick Perry

Meets in room #143 Sunday mornings from 9:30am – 10:15 am
Church History with Pastor Tim Allen
Meets in FBC Fellowship Hall Sunday mornings from 9:30 am – 10:15am

Taught by Elder Harry Driscoll
Meets in room #14 Sunday mornings from 9:30am – 10:15 am

Taught by Andrew Lea-Wilson
Young Adults
“Study of the Epistles”
Meets in room #125 Sunday mornings from 9:30am – 10:15 am
Women’s Topical Bible Studies
Lord, I Want to Know You
by Kay Arthur
When the car won’t start we call a mechanic. Likewise, when the bathroom overflows we call a plumber. Yet, when we are in the midst of a spiritual struggle we often fail to call upon God’s provision, comfort and strength. In this insightful study of God’s names, Kay will teach you how to call upon the names of God so that you can connect with your: Protector in times of vulnerability, Healer in times of illness, and Provider in times of financial drought. Learn how to call upon specific names of the Lord who can provide for your every need.
Taught by Gloria Stepp
Workbook cost is $20.00.
Meets in the FBC Ross Library Sunday mornings from 9:30am – 10:15 am