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Dear Ministry Partners,
If you aren't on Facebook with us, you might have missed the news: Allen's back surgery has been postponed! Today was supposed to be his first back surgery, but during his pre-surgery check-in, they found a problem. Apparently, because he has cardiac stents, he was supposed to be on blood thinners the rest of his life according to standard practice in the US - but a doctor in Honduras had told him to go off them some years ago. Allen assumes it was because the doctor was worried about him having an accident during a construction project and bleeding out. Regardless of the why, it was unfortunately not discovered until the pre-surgery check-in by the surgeon's staff that he had not been on blood thinners. So now they are requiring that Allen be cleared by a cardiologist. 
Please pray that Allen gets cleared for surgery quickly!!
When Allen and Trish first learned all this last week, initially it was unlikely that Allen would be seen by a cardiologist until the end of April. This would have meant that the surgery would have to be rescheduled for who knows when after that. With Allen already in increasingly debilitating pain, this seemed like a crushing blow. God blessed them, however, when they started cold calling cardiologists who take their insurance with a cardiologist who has availabilities this very week! Allen has a cardiology appointment, sonogram and a stress test scheduled for this week. Praise God!!

Allen is very concerned, of course - finding out that he maybe should have been on blood thinners this whole time is upsetting! If he were to need cardiac intervention of some kind (such as heart surgery), the recovery would be pretty horrendous with his back the way it is right now. Meanwhile, his back pain is getting worse and his mobility is becoming more and more limited. Please join us in praying!!

Prayer requests:
  • Please pray that cardiology will clear Allen quickly, with minimal work. Please pray he doesn't need to have any invasive cardiology interventions. 
  • Please pray that he gets back on the surgery schedule quickly!!
  • Pray that Allen’s back surgery will be a success. This is not a minimally invasive surgery.
  • For a quick and easy recovery period.  
  • As a redhead, Allen is difficult to place under anesthesia. The doctor has assured him that he won’t wake up during his back surgery. However, when he had his stents put in, they had difficulty putting him to sleep. Pray that he’s out like a light for surgery!
  • Finances are a concern. The first surgery is expected to cost Allen and Trish somewhere between five and ten thousand dollars. In the grand scheme of medical care, that’s not a fortune but this was all unexpected. There will be more surgeries to come, too.  
  • Pray that recovery goes well because they are expecting to have a second back surgery about four months after the first.
Thank you so much for praying for Allen!! Those of us on the ground miss him and want him and Trish home soon!! We are grateful for your ongoing support in the form of prayer - it means so much to us. 
Blessings from the staff at Sowers4Pastors!
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